Chenopodium of North America Groupings

Chenopodium of North America hians group

Chenopodium aureum Benet-Pierce
Herbarium sheet of   
Erect weak reddish annual, usually 4-5 (rarely 8) dm high, sparsely branched from base. Leaf blades trullate and basally lobed ≤ 2 cm long by .5 cm wide, base cuneate and apex acute. Upper leaves are elliptic to lanceolate, c.1.3 cm long by .4 (-.3) cm wide, entire and slightly farinose. Inflorescences are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes ~ 30 cm. with sessile flowers, ca.1 mm in diameter. Fruits round, lenticular in the side view, ~ 1.2 mm by .5 mm wide, acute equatorial margin with pericarp adherent of very tiny papillae golden-beige with some large whitish spots, very shiny.

Chenopodium brandegeeae Benet-Pierce
Herbarium Sheet of SDSU 19747  
Erect large annual 3-10 dm high, sparsely branched. Leaf blades, elliptic or lance-ovate, occ lobed, ~ 4.5 cm long by ~1.6 cm wide. Upper leaves lanceolate, narrowly elliptic, by .9 -.7 (-.3) cm, occ falcate, base cuneate and apex obtuse or widely acute and slightly farinose. Inflorescences are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes, ~ 15 cm., with sessile flowers, ca.1 mm in diameter. Fruits lenticular, ~ 1 mm by ≥ .5 mm wide, margin acute, pericarp shiny brown or more frequently randomly mottled brown and black, very shiny. Seed coat black.
Seeds of SDSU 19747

Chenopodium eastwoodiae Benet-Pierce
Erect large branched annual 8-12 dm high, bright green and reddish at maturity. Leaf blades, broadly lance-ovate and basally lobed, ~3 cm long by 1.2 cm wide, base cuneate and apex narrowly obtuse, entire. Upper leaves elliptic to long narrowly elliptic leaves 3.5 by ~.8 cm. Inflorescences are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes ~ 45 cm. with sessile flowers ca.1 mm in diameter. Fruits oblate, very large 1.4 mm by .8 mm thick, round, oblate flatter above, margin round, pericarp adherent, thick lined, reddish brown to whitish gray or yellow gray color.

Chenopodium hians Standl.
Ill-scented erect annual, 4-8 dm. high, usually simple at the base, or with a few short slender weak branches, sparsely branched above, the branches stout, erect or nearly so, copiously and coarsely farinose, obscurely and obtusely angled; petioles stout, half as long as the blades or shorter; leaf-blades elliptic-oblong, oblong, or narrowly lance-oblong, 1.2-3 cm. long, 3-8 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex, very shortly apiculate, cunéate at the base, green and glabrate on the upper surface, densely and rather coarsely white-farinose beneath, thick, the upper blades sometimes linear; glomerules large, in very stout, dense, erect, axillary or narrowly paniculate spikes; calyx densely farinose, cleft nearly to the base, the lobes roundedoblong or ovate, obtusely carínate, yellowish, tinged with green, erect at maturity and exposing the fruit; pericarp closely adherent; seed horizontal, 0.8-1 mm. broad, black, shining, nearly smooth, the margin obtuse. -Standley
The fruit is small, conical below, with highly patterned pericarp of minute brown and white papillae.

Chenopodium howellii Benet-Pierce
Erect to decumbent smallish plant, branched from base, 3-4 dm high. Branches all ending around the same height at maturity. Leaf blades narrowly elliptic, rarely lobed, few ~1.5 (2) cm long by ≤ .7 cm wide, base slightly cuneate to obtuse and apex narrowly round. Upper leaves elliptic but slightly smaller, entire. Inflorescences are narrow paniculate spikes, with flowers ca. 1 mm in diameter. Fruits ~1.2 mm by ~.6 mm in side view, lenticular but convex below, with equatorial margin round. Pericarp adherent, colors from brown to whitish but with diagnostic whitish spots and black below, with creamy protuberances overall.

Chenopodium incognitum Wahl
Plants upright, 3-12 dm. tall, branched from the base, the branches arcuate ascending. Leaf blades thin, ovate to deltoid-ovate, 1.5-3.5 em. long, unlobed or with small basal lobes, farinose beneath. Flowers crowded in terminal and axillary glomerate spikes. Sepals 5, farinose, narrowly keeled, about half covering the fruit at maturity. Pericarp finely rugose, attached to the seed. Seed black, flattened, 1.2-1.5 mm. in diameter, the margin rounded. -Wahl
Its fruits are large ~1.4 mm, oblate and have a pronounced equatorial margin. The pericarp is initially dark with yellow/gold spots but ages into a dark brown-dark red with yellow cream spots

Chenopodium luteum Benet-Pierce
Erect medium size plant, simple or branched, 2-9 dm high, dark green. Leaf blades trullate very occ. unlobed, ~2.8 cm long by ~1 cm wide, base cuneate to obtuse and apex narrowly obtuse or acute. Upper blades are lanceolate, elliptic or narrowly elliptic, ~1.6-1 cm long by .9 to .6 cm wide, entire. Inflorescences are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes ~ 25 cm, flowers sessile ca.1 mm in diameter. Fruits ~ 1.2 mm oblate to conical, ~ 7 mm in side view; pericarp weakly adherent, frequently semi-adherent pale yellow aging to darker yellow.

Chenopodium sandersii Benet-Pierce
Erect large size plant, weak branched or occ. one stem, ~5-7 dm high, yellowish green. Leaf blades lance-ovate ~3.5 to 2 cm long by 1.2 (1.5) to 1 cm wide, with basal lobes, base cuneate and apex obtuse or acute, entire. Upper blades, elliptic, ~2-1 cm long by ~ .7 cm wide, base cuneate and apex acute. Inflorescences are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes ~ 45 cm., with sessile flowers ca. 1 mm in diameter. Fruits conical below, with flatish cone tip, ≤ 1 mm by ≤.6 mm wide, with acute equatorial margin. Pericarp semi-adherent, weak, often lost below at the center of the cone or almost completely, with dark yellow to brown faint color lines.

Chenopodium simpsonii Benet Pierce
Erect annual, ~7 dm high, branched, side branches weak. Leaf blades petiolate, narrowly lanceolate, ~ 2 cm long by ≤ 1 cm wide, base cuneate and apex acute, rarely lobed, entire. Upper blades narrowly elliptic, ~2 cm long by ~ .4 cm wide, apex and base acute. Inflorescences are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes, ~ 25 cm. with sessile flowers ca. 1 mm in diameter. Fruits oblate to occ conical ≤ 1.2 mm by ~ .6 mm wide, with round or occ acute equatorial margin. Pericarp adherent, thick, brown with a pattern of alternating faint reddish or yellow lines, from the center to the margin. Pericarp starts with lines that become faint as it ages.

Chenopodium twisselmannii Benet-Pierce
Erect large annual, branched from base, ~11 dm high. Leaf blades petiolate, narrowly lance-ovate, mostly un-lobed, ~ 2.5 cm long by ≥ 1 cm wide, base cuneate to obtuse and apex obtuse, entire. Secondary leaf blades narrowly oblong; ~3-2 cm long by ~ .7 cm wide, apex and base obtuse to acute. Inflorescences are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes, ~60-40 cm, with sessile flowers ~ 1mm. Fruits conical, ≤ 1.2 mm by ~ .7 mm wide, with marked equatorial margin. Pericarp adherent, orange brown to golden yellow, from the center of the abaxial cone to the margin, brown half way as it ages.

Chenopodium wahlii Benet-Pierce
Erect annual, branched, 4-8 dm high. Leaf blades petiolate, narrowly elliptic, rarely lobed, ~ 2.8 cm long by ~ 1.5 to .9 cm wide, base cuneate, round or obtuse and apex obtuse, round or widely acute, entire. Upper blades are narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, ~1.6 cm long by ~ .6 cm wide, apex and base widely acute or round. Inflorescence are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes ~ 40 cm., with sessile flowers ca. 1 mm in diameter. Fruits slightly conical below, ≤ 1.1 mm by ~ .5 mm wide, with acute equatorial margin. Pericarp adherent, brown to occ with random yellow spots; pericarp turns all brown with age.

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