Erect large annual, branched from base, ~11 dm high. Leaf blades petiolate, narrowly lance-ovate, mostly un-lobed, ~ 2.5 cm long by ≥ 1 cm wide, base cuneate to obtuse and apex obtuse, entire. Secondary leaf blades narrowly oblong; ~3-2 cm long by ~ .7 cm wide, apex and base obtuse to acute. Inflorescences are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes, ~60-40 cm, with sessile flowers ~ 1mm. Fruits conical, ≤ 1.2 mm by ~ .7 mm wide, with marked equatorial margin. Pericarp adherent, orange brown to golden yellow, from the center of the abaxial cone to the margin, brown half way as it ages. |
Erect annual, branched, 4-8 dm high. Leaf blades petiolate, narrowly elliptic, rarely lobed, ~ 2.8 cm long by ~ 1.5 to .9 cm wide, base cuneate, round or obtuse and apex obtuse, round or widely acute, entire. Upper blades are narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, ~1.6 cm long by ~ .6 cm wide, apex and base widely acute or round. Inflorescence are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes ~ 40 cm., with sessile flowers ca. 1 mm in diameter. Fruits slightly conical below, ≤ 1.1 mm by ~ .5 mm wide, with acute equatorial margin. Pericarp adherent, brown to occ with random yellow spots; pericarp turns all brown with age. |