Etymology |
Meaning gold, gleaming.The adherent pericarp of very tiny papillae golden-beige with some large whitish spots is very shiny. This golden shine gives it its name in latin: aureum. |
Description: |
Erect weak reddish annual, usually 4-5 (rarely 8) dm high, sparsely branched from base. Leaf blades trullate and basally lobed ≤ 2 cm long by .5 cm wide, base cuneate and apex acute. Upper leaves are elliptic to lanceolate, c.1.3 cm long by .4 (-.3) cm wide, entire and slightly farinose. Inflorescences are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes ~ 30 cm. with sessile flowers, ca.1 mm in diameter. Fruits round, lenticular in the side view, ~ 1.2 mm by .5 mm wide, acute equatorial margin with pericarp adherent of very tiny papillae golden-beige with some large whitish spots, very shiny. |
Distribution: |
California: Inyo, Lassen, Mono, Sierra and Tulare counties. Nevada: Carson City. Idaho: Washington Co. |
Synonyms: |
Type: |
Howell 24151: CAS 342155, G 24151, RSA 44538 |
Website Info: |
We thank all the Herbaria who have very generously have allowed us to display their images. All images with a RED outline were either provided by the linked Herbaria or given us access to their website to obtain such images, or they were scanned while on loan to us. Please see the credits and further information by clicking on the Herbaria acronyms. The specimens’ images without such red outline, were taken by us during our research visits.
All fruit and seed images have been taken with the Visionary Digital Microscope System Dun, Inc. Palmyra, VA by Lee Simpson at San Diego State University.
Website development by Lee Simpson. Contact: |