Chenopodium howellii

Chenopodium howellii Benet-Pierce
MadroƱo 66: 67. 2019

[Chenopodium HOME]

Named for the botanist and taxonomist John Thomas Howell (1903-1994)

Erect to decumbent smallish plant, branched from base, 3-4 dm high. Branches all ending around the same height at maturity. Leaf blades narrowly elliptic, rarely lobed, few ~1.5 (2) cm long by ≤ .7 cm wide, base slightly cuneate to obtuse and apex narrowly round. Upper leaves elliptic but slightly smaller, entire. Inflorescences are narrow paniculate spikes, with flowers ca. 1 mm in diameter. Fruits ~1.2 mm by ~.6 mm in side view, lenticular but convex below, with equatorial margin round. Pericarp adherent, colors from brown to whitish but with diagnostic whitish spots and black below, with creamy protuberances overall.

California: Alpine, Eldorado, Lassen, Modoc, Mono, Plumas, Siskiyou and Tulare counties. NV: Washoe & Carson City counties. OR: Lake county.
Howell 11900: CAS 217242, DS 230139
Website Info:
We thank all the Herbaria who have very generously have allowed us to display their images. All images with a RED outline were either provided by the linked Herbaria or given us access to their website to obtain such images, or they were scanned while on loan to us. Please see the credits and further information by clicking on the Herbaria acronyms. The specimens’ images without such red outline, were taken by us during our research visits.

All fruit and seed images have been taken with the Visionary Digital Microscope System, Dun, Inc. Palmyra, VA by Lee Simpson at San Diego State University.

Website development by Lee Simpson. Contact:


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Habitat and Field Images

Type Specimen:

Howell 11900

CAS 217242
DS 230139


Peck 15489
DS 171540

WTU 20545

Howell 37026
CAS 457880
TEX-LL 273268

ORE 3596

Mason & Grant 13345
RSA 312491
UC 191339

US 692909

Williams 7-26-74
CAS 637594

CAS 637696
RENO 24591

DS 285705

SDSU 22194

CAS 637619

RENO 24398

CAS 217241
CAS 279837
CAS 637596
  CAS 637597

P 5072476