Etymology |
Named in honor of Alice Eastwood (1859-1953) prolific collector and researcher of the California Flora and author of more than 310 scientific papers. Eastwood was credited during the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco of saving the Type collection of the California Academy of Sciences, where she was the Botany Curator. |
Description: |
Erect large branched annual 8-12 dm high, bright green and reddish at maturity. Leaf blades, broadly lance-ovate and basally lobed, ~3 cm long by 1.2 cm wide, base cuneate and apex narrowly obtuse, entire. Upper leaves elliptic to long narrowly elliptic leaves 3.5 by ~.8 cm. Inflorescences are terminal and axillary panicles of glomerate spikes ~ 45 cm. with sessile flowers ca.1 mm in diameter. Fruits oblate, very large 1.4 mm by .8 mm thick, round, oblate flatter above, margin round, pericarp adherent, thick lined, reddish brown to whitish gray or yellow gray color. |
Distribution: |
California: Eldorado, Mono and Tulare counties.
Synonyms: |
Type: |
Thomas 9772: DS 577435 |
Website Info: |
We thank all the Herbaria who have very generously have allowed us to display their images. All images with a RED outline were either provided by the linked Herbaria or given us access to their website to obtain such images, or they were scanned while on loan to us. Please see the credits and further information by clicking on the Herbaria acronyms. The specimens’ images without such red outline, were taken by us during our research visits.
All fruit and seed images have been taken with the Visionary Digital Microscope System, Dun, Inc. Palmyra, VA by Lee Simpson at San Diego State University.
Website development by Lee Simpson. Contact: |