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Adelinia | Amsinckia | Amsinckiopsis | Andersonglossum | Cryptantha | Dasynotus | Eremocarya | Greeneocharis | Gruvelia | Harpagonella | Johnstonella | Oncaglossum | Oreocarya | Pectocarya | Plagiobothrys | Simpsonanthus | Sonnea |
Oreocarya Greene Pittonia 1: 57 (1889) |
Key to Oreocarya (modfied from Higgins 1971)
[Not included: Oreocarya creutzfeldtii, O. revealii, O. schoolcraftii, O. subcapitata, O. welshii] 1. Corolla tube elongate, distinctly surpassing the calyx; flowers usually heterostyled 2. Nutlets smooth and shiny 3. Corolla yellow 4. Inflorescence an elongate, cylindrical thyrse; nutlets lanceolate [lance-ovate], with acute margins, usually only one developing ...... O. flava 4. Inflorescence consisting of a large terminal cluster with one or more remote, at maturity frequently stalked, much smaller lateral clusters; nutlets broadly ovate, with winged margins, all four usually maturing ...... O. confertiflora 3' Corolla white 5. Inflorescence capitate or with several reduced clusters below, 0.1-1.3 dm long; corolla limb 5-8 mm broad, the tube little surpassing the calyx; nutlets lanceolate to ovate; native to northern Arizona and southern Utah 6. Leaves 1-4 cm long; calyx short-ovate, 3-4 mm long in flower, 5-7 mm long in fruit; corolla 4-4.5 mm long; nutlets ovate, 1.9-2.5 mm ...... O. atwoodii 6’ Leaves 3-8 cm long; calyx linear-lanceolate, 7-9 mm long in flower, 11-16 mm long in fruit; corolla 9-12 mm long; nutlets lanceolate, 4-5 mm long ...... O. capitata 5' Inflorescence elongate, 0.4-4 dm long; corolla limb 8-17 mm broad, the tube distinctly surpassing the calyx except in O. barnebyi; nutlets ovate 7. Ventral surface of the leaves glabrous; native to north-central Arizona and southwestern Utah ...... O. semiglabra 7' Ventral surface of the leaves strigose or setose-hispid 8. Corolla limb 13-l7 mm broad, crests at base of tube absent; nutlets 3-3.5 mm long; native to San Rafael Swell ...... O. johnstonii 8' Corolla limb 8-11 mm broad, crests at base of tube conspicuous; nutlets 3.5-4.5 mm long 9. Corolla tube 5-7 mm long, the limb campanulate; leaves broadly oblanceolate, setose-hispid; stems stout; endemic to the Uintah Basin, Utah ...... O. barnebyi* 9' Corolla tube 8-10 mm long, the limb spreading; leaves linear or narrowly lanceolate, strigose with few or no pustulate hairs; stems slender; native to Washington ...... O. leucophaea 2' Nutlets more or less roughened or wrinkled at least on the dorsal surface (9). 9. Nutlets uniformly muricate or papillose, or sometimes in O. jonesiana also with some inconspicuous ridges (10). 10. Leaves oblanceolate, strigose with pustulate hairs small or lacking; corolla 7-10 mm long, fornices elongate; native to southeastern Utah, northwestern New Mexico, western Colorado, and northeastern Arizona ...... O. fulvocanescens 10. Leaves spatulate, hispid with pustulate bristles; corolla 10-15 mm long, fornices low and broad; native to the San Rafael Swell, Utah ...... O. jonesiana 9. Nutlets more or less rugose or tuberculale, or sometimes with a few inconspicuous murications (11). 11. Ventral or inner surface of the nutlets smooth or nearly so (12). 12. Plants biennial; corolla campanulate. crests at base of tube evident; nutlets lanceolate; native to the Uintah Basin, Utah ...... O. rollinsii* 12. Plants perennial; corolla salverform, crests at base of the tube lacking; plants of Texas and New Mexico (13). 13. Inflorescence capitate; nutlets 3.3-3.8 mm long; leaves densely white strigose or subtomentose; native to Brewster county, Texas ...... O. crassipes* 13. Inflorescence elongate; nutlets 2.5-3.2 mm long; leaves strigose and setose-hispid (14). 14. Corolla tube 7-10 mm long; calyx lobes 5-7 mm long in anthesis; plants not heterostyled; nutlets conspicuously tuberculate and short rugose; native to Texas ...... O. oblata 14. Corolla tube 12-14 mm long; calyx lobes 7-9 mm long in anthesis; plants strongly heterostyled; nutlets finely tuberculate or rugose; native to New Mexico and western Texas ...... O. paysonii 11. Ventral surface of the nutlets distinctly roughened (15). 15. Leaves conspicuously pustulate ventrally; corolla tube 12-16 mm long; calyx segments 7-10 mm long in anthesis; native to west-central Colorado and east-central Utah ...... O. longiflora 15. Leaves sparsely if at all pustulate ventrally ; corolla tube 5.5-12 mm long; calyx segments 3-5.7 mm long in anthesis (16). 16. Inflorescence 0.1-0.4 dm long; corolla tube 10-12 mm long; margin of nutlets not in contact; plants less than 1.2 dm tall; eastern Utah and western Colorado ...... O. paradoxa 16. Inflorescence 0.5-3 dm long; corolla tube 5-10 nmi long; margin of nutlets in contact or nearly so; plants usually over 1.2 dm tall (17). 17. Scar of nutlets surrounded by an elevated margin but lightly closed; style 1-2 mm long: calyx 3.5-4 mm long in anthcsis; native to southern Utah, southwestern Colorado, and northeastern Arizona ...... O. bakeri* 17. Scar of nutlets conspicuously open; style 3-8 mm long; calyx 4.5-7 mm long in anlhesis (18). 18. Scar of nutlets conspicuously open and surrounded by a definite elevated margin; widespread ...... O. flavoculata 18. Scar of nutlets slightly open and with only an inconspicuous elevated margin if any (19). 19. Leaves linear-spatulate; nutlets sharply and deeply rugose; corolla tube 5.5-7 mm long, fornices low and broad; native to southeastern Utah ...... O. tenuis 19. Leaves obovate or broadly oblanceolate; nutlets with rounded ridges and tubercles; corolla tube 7-10 mm long, fornices long papillose; native to eastern Utah ...... O. wetherillii 1. Corolla tube short, scarcely if at all surpassing the calyx; flowers not heterostyled (20). 20. Nutlets smooth on their dorsal surface, not rugose, muricate or tuberculate (21). 21. Fruit depressed globular, nutlets not in contact by their margins (22). 22. Crests at base of corolla tube conspicuous; calyx not conspicuously accrescent; widespread ...... O. suffruticosa [O. jamesii; Cryptantha cinerea; C. jamesii] 22. Crests at base of corolla tube obsolete; calyx conspicuously accrescent; southwestern New Mexico, western Texas and northern Mexico ...... O. palmeri 21. Fruit conical, ovoid or lanceolate, nutlets in contact by their margins or nearly so (23). 23. Stout, strictly erect plants with many elongated and conspicuous bracts in the inflorescence; southeastern Wyoming and central Colorado ...... O. virgata* 23. Smaller, usually caespitose plants with few or inconspicuous bracts in the inflorescence; native to west of the continental divide (24). 24. Corolla tube 5-7 mm long; style 5-6 mm long; calyx 5-7 mm long; endemic to the Uintah Basin, Utah ...... O. barnebyi* 24. Corolla tube 2-4 mm long; style 0.5-2 mm long; calyx 2.5-4 mm long (25). 25. Nutlets ovoid; corolla tube 3-4 mm long, limb 7-10 mm wide; plants of central Idaho ...... O. salmonensis 25. Nutlets narrowly lanceolate; corolla tube 2-2.5 mm long, limb 3.5-5 mm wide; native to the high sierras in southern California ...... O. nubigena* 20. Nutlets more or less roughened, muricate, rugose or tuberculate at least on the dorsal surface (26). 26. Ventral surface of the nutlets smooth or nearly so (27). 27. Nutlets bordered by a conspicuous wing; robust plants 5-10 dm tall, with long ebracteate spikes ......................... O. setosissima 27. Nutlets never conspicuously winged, sometimes with an acute margin simulating a narrow wing; plants usually lower and caespitose; inflorescence bracteate (28). 28. Inflorescence a virgate spikelike thyrsus with all but the uppermost floral bracts much longer than the short cymes; nutlets broadly ovate, sparcely rugose or smooth; native to Wyoming and Colorado ...... O. virgata* 28. Inflorescence various but seldom if ever so spikelike, and at least the upper floral bracts reduced to short bracts which slightly if at all exceed the cymes or racemose branches (29). 29. Corolla tube 7-9 mm long; calyx 6-9 mm long in anthesis (30). 30. Inflorescence capitate, 0.2-0.8 dm long; nutlets ovate; leaves densely white strigose or subtomentose; native to the Big Bend Region of Texas ...... O. crassipes* 30. Inflorescence elongate, 0.6-2 dm long; nutlets lanceolate; leaves setose-hispid; native to Utah ...... O. rollinsii* 29. Corolla tube 2-6 mm long; calyx 2.5-6 mm long in anthesis (31). 31. Inflorescence very broad and rounded in outline; native to the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains ...... O. thyrsiflora* 31. Inflorescence narrower; plants west of the continental divide (32). 32. Fruiting calyx 9-14 mm long; nutlets 4-6 mm long (33). 33. Nutlets lanceolate, the scar narrowly subulate but open at the base; native to Alpine and Tuolumne Counties, California ...... O. crymophila 33. Nutlets more ovate, the scar broader and cuneate at the base; plants of the high mountains in Kittitas and Chelan Counties, Washington ...... O. thompsonii 32. Fruiting calyx 4-9 mm long; nutlets 2.5-3.8 mm long (34). 34. Nutlets 2-2.3 mm long, the scar cuneate or narrowly triangular; plants of Saguache and Hinsdale Counties, Colorado ...... O. weberi 34. Nutlets 2.6-3.7 mm long, scar closed or narrowly linear and open only at the forked base (35). 35. Plants conspicuously setose-hispid; nutlets transversely rugose and tuberculate; plants of Colorado, Utah, and Nevada (36). 36. Nutlets scarcely or not at all muricate between the rugae; strictly erect, conspicuously hispid perennials from northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah ...... O. stricta 36. Nutlets distinctly muricate or tuberculate between the rugae and near the margins; erect perennials from western Utahs and eastern Nevada ...... O. rugulosa 35. Plants strigose or setose, but not as above; nutlets usually tuberculate or short rugulose; plants of the high mountains in California. Oregon, Idaho, and Montana (37). 37. Nutlets with tubercles but no conspicuous transverse ridges, or sometimes nearly smooth; native to California ...... O. nubigena* 37. Nutlets with evident ridges on the dorsal surface; plants of northern California. Oregon, Idaho, and Montana (38). 38. Style 1.8-2.5 mm long; st)boliferous perennials from western Montana ............................. O. sobolifera* 38. Style 0.5-1.5 mm long; plants of Idaho and Oregon (39). 39. Leaves oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, spreading bristly setose; style 1.2-1.5 mm long; central Idaho ...... O. hypsophila 39. Leaves spatulate, subretuse or obtuse, subtomentose or strigose; style 0.5-1 mm long; Oregon, northern California. and northwestern Nevada ...... O. subretusa* 26. Ventral surface of the nutlets rugose or variously wrinkled (40). 40. Nutlets conspicuously muricate, or in O. humilis also with a few irregular ridges (41). 41. Leaves distinctly subtomentose or tomentose, also setose in O. humilis (42). 42. Plants 0.3-1 dm tall; leaves 0.5-2.5 cm long; calyx 2-2.5 mm long in anthesis; corolla tube 1.8-2.2 mm long; native to Millard County, Utah ...... O. compacta 42. Plants 0.4-2.5 dm tall; leaves 2.5 cm or longer; calyx 3-5 mm long in anthesis; corolla tube 3-5 mm long; plants widespread, Colorado to California ...... O. humilis* 41. Pubescence of the leaves silky-strigose or strigillose but not subtomentose or tomentose (43). 43. Plants densely caespitose, caudex multicipital; leaves linear oblanceolate; native to eastern Wyoming and adjacent Nebraska and Colorado ...... O. cana 43. Plants scarcely or only moderately caespitose; leaves broadly oblanceolate or spatulate; native to the Uintah Basin in northeastern Utah ...... O. breviflora 40. Nutlets not exclusively muricate, but rugose or tuberculate, also with a few murications between the ridges (44). 44. Scar of nutlets open some distance above the base (45). 45. Scar somewhat constricted some distance below the middle of the open portion (46). 46. Elevated margin of the scar definitely limited; pustules present on both leaf surfaces; central Utah ............ O. mensana 46. Elevated margin indefinitely limited; pustules present only on dorsal surface of the leaves; southeastern Utah ...... O. osterhoutii 45. Scar triangular and not constricted below the middle (47). 47. Some tendency to an elevated margin evident around the scar (48). 48. Cymules elongating and so the inflorescence broad; biennial or short-lived perennials; nutlets usually with an evident dorsal ridge (49). 49. Surface of the leaves with inconspicuous appressed bristles; inflorescence open, with only a few elongate cymules, 7-14 cm long terminating the stem; endemic to near Las Vegas, Nevada ... O. insolita [Note: Treated as a synonym of O. virginensis by some] 49. Surface of the leaves conspicuously setose-hispid with spreading bristles; inflorescence open, at least at maturity (50). 50. Calyx lobes 7-12 mm long in fruit; nutlets 3-4.5 mm long; prominently carinate on the dorsal side; southwestern Utah to southern California ...... O. virginensis 50. Calyx lobes 5-7 mm long in fruit; nutlets 2.5-3 mm long, with only an indistinct central ridge toward the apex; eastern California and western Nevada ...... O. hoffmannii 48. Cymules shorter and the inflorescence narrow; long-lived perennials; nutlets with only a slight dorsal ridge if any. (51). 51. Nutlets indefinitely tuberculate and rugose; California and southern Nevada ...... O. tumulosa 51. Nutlets definitely tuberculate or rugose; native to Utah and eastern Nevada ....... O. depressa* [Cryptantha abata] 47. No tendency to an elevated margin around the scar (52). 52. Style not exceeding the mature nutlets by more than 0.5 mm; plants usually less than 1.3 dm tall (53). 53. Corolla tube 3-4 mm long; nutlets 3-3.5 mm long (54). 54. Ventral surface of nutlets deeply rugose and tuberculate; native to southern Utah and eastern Nevada ...... O. depressa* [Cryptantha abata] 54. Ventral surface of nutlets indefinitely muricate; native to southern Wyoming ...... O. caespitosa 53. Corolla tube 2-2.6 mm long; nutlets 2.3-3 mm long (55). 55. Inflorescence less than 2 cm long; calyx segments 3-4 mm long in fruit; plants 0.1-0.3 dm tall; endemic to Inyo County, California ...... O. roosiorum 55. Inflorescence 2.7 cm long or longer; calyx segments 4-6 mm long in fruit; plants 0.2-1.3 dm tall; endemic to Garfield County, Utah ...... O. ochroleuca* 52. Style exceeding the mature nutlets by 1 mm or more; plants usually taller than 1.3 dm (56). 56. Leaves setose-pustulate and tomentose; nutlets muricate or with a few short rugae ...... O. humilis* 56. Leaves finely strigose and appressed setulose; pustulate hairs lacking or inconspicuous on the ventral surface of the leaves; densely caespitose perennials (57). 57. Leaves linear to narrowly oblanceolate; corolla tube 3-3.3 mm long; nutlets inconspicuously tuberculate and rugulose; native to Alaska ...... O. shackletteana* 57. Leaves oblanccolate to spatulate; corolla tube 3.5-4.5 mm long; nutlets muricate and irregular rugose: native to Oregon and western Idaho ...... O. propria* 44. Scar of nutlets closed or nearly so, without a conspicuous triangular opening toward the base (58). 58. Upper surface of the leaves uniformly appressed strigose and without pustulate hairs (59). 59. Nutlets sharply rugose and tuberculate, scar surrounded by an elevated margin ...... O. bakeri* 59. Nutlets not so sharply rugose or tuberculate; scar not surrounded by an elevated margin (60). 60. Leaves linear or narrowly oblanceolate, 2-13 cm long, 0.1-0.5 cm wide; native to Alaska ...... O. shackletteana* 60. Leaves shorter and broader; plants from farther south (61). 61. Corolla tube 2-2.5 mm long: style exceeding nutlets by 1 mm or less: endemic to Garfield County, Utah ...... O. ochroleuca* 61. Corolla tube 3.5 mm long or longer; style exceeding nutlets by more than 1 mm (62). 62. Densely caespitose perennial from a multicipital caudex; native to eastern Oregon and western Idaho ...... O. propria* 62. Less evident or not at all caespitose; native to Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming ...... O. sericea 58. Upper surface of the leaves with two distinct kinds of hairs; pustulate at base (63). 63. Mature calyx exceeding the nutlets by 2-4 mm; inflorescence broadtopped; western Colorado and eastern Utah ...... O. elata 63. Mature calvx exceeding the nutlets bv 4-8 mm (64). 64. Nutlets tuberculate, scarcely if at all rugose (65). 65. Ventral surface of the nutlets smooth or nearly so; native to high mountains in western Montana ...... O. sobolifera* 65. Ventral surface of the nutlets distinctly roughened (66). 66. Plant 1-2 dm tall: native to western Colorado and eastern Utah (67). 67. Corolla tube 2.6-3 mm long; calyx segments 2.8-3 mm long in anthesis; nutlets 2-2.6 mm long; endemic to Mesa County, Colorado ...... O. aperta 67. Corolla tube 3.5-5 mm long: calyx segments 5-7 mm long in anthesis; nutlets 3-3.8 mm long; native to Uintah County, Utah ...... O. grahamii 66. Plants 2 or more dm tall (68). 68. Nutlets broadly lanceolate: murications lacking or indefinite: inflorescence slightly open to very broad; widespread, from North Dakota to Washington and Oregon ...... O. glomerata* [Cryptantha celosioides] 68. Nutlets narrowly lanceolate; murications or tuberculations very definite; Elko County, Nevada ...... O. interrupta 64. Nutlets more or less rugose (69). 69. Scar of the nutlets somewhat open at the base ...... O. humilis* 69. Scar of the nutlets closed or nearly so (70). 70. Inflorescence very broad and open; plants native on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, from southern Wyoming to northern Texas ...... O. thyrsiflora* 70. Inflorescence narrower; plants more northerly in range (71). 71. Leaves narrowly oblanceolate, strongly setose-ciliate on the margins; stems slender; native to eastern Washington and Oregon, and Idaho ...... O. spiculifera 71. Leaves usually broader, oblanceolate to spatulate, the margins not strongly setose-ciliate; stems more robust (72). 72. Inner surface of the nutlets conspicuously rugose or tuberculate; widespread ...... O. glomerata* [Cryptantha celosioides] 72. Inner surface of the nutlets smooth or nearly so (73). 73. Leaves soboliferous, oblanceolate to spatulate, setose; native to high mountains of western Montana ...... O. sobolifera* 73. Leaves not soboliferous, spatulate, subretuse, subtomentose; native to northern California and Oregon ...... O. subretusa* |