Systematics of Amsinckiinae (Boraginaceae): The Popcorn Flowers
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All published studies on reproductive biology in the Amsinckiinae are of taxa of what is now classified as
Casper, B. B. and D. Wiens. 1981. Fixed rates of random ovule abortion in Cryptantha flava (Boraginaceae) and its possible relation to seed dispersal. Ecology 62:866-689.
Casper, B. B. 1983. The efficiency of pollen transfer and rates of embryo initiation in Cryptantha (Boraginaceae). Oecologia 59:262-268.
Casper, B. B. 1985. Self-incompatibility in distylous Cryptantha flava (Boraginaceae). New Phytologist 99:149-154.
Casper, B. B. 1988. Evidence for selective embryo abortion in Cryptantha flava. The American Naturalist 132:318-326.
Casper, B. B. 1994. Postdispersal sibling competition and the evolution of single-seededness in Cryptantha flava. Evolution 48:1377-1382.
Casper, B. B., I. N. Forseth, and D. A. Wait. 2006. A stage-based study of drought response in Cryptantha flava (Boraginaceae): Gas exchange, water use efficiency,
and whole plant performance. American Journal of Botany 93:978-987.
Marushak, T. M. 2003a. Patterns of mating system evolution in Cryptantha section Oreocarya (Boraginaceae) - A phylogenetic approach. PhD Dissertation.
University of Marlyand, College Park.
Marushak, T. M. 2003b. Patterns of mating system evolution in Cryptantha section Oreocarya (Boraginaceae) - A phylogenetic approach. PhD Dissertation.
University of Marlyand, College Park.
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