California Tortula Moss Musci (Moss) - Pottiaceae [HOME]
Protologue: Bryologist 48: 92. 1945. (Bartram 1945) Pronunciation: Tór-tu-la ca-li-fór-ni-ca Etymology: L. torta, twist, and -ula, diminutive, alluding to peristome teeth + californica, of California SDSU Collection with field images
Distribution: Map from Consortium of Bryophyte Herbaria. This species is distributed worldwide, some infraspecies described. (Click to see current herbarium records.)
Tortula californica
Note ovate leaves with apical awn/apiculum and elongate setae and long sporophytes (capsules) of sporophyte.
You can see the calyptra (remnant of gametophyte archegonial neck) atop the capsule.
Images courtesy of M.G.Simpson: iNat Observation 148261639