Stipa pulchra

Stipa pulchra Hitchcock

Purple Needle Grass


Protologue: Amer. J. Bot. 2: 301 (1915)
Pronunciation: Stì-pa púl-chra
Etymology:Gr. stupe or stuppeion, "tow, flax, fiber, cordage," for the feathery inflorescences + pulchra, "pretty"

Jepson eFlora Treatment

SD County Synoptic Voucher

Stipa pulchra distribution map SDPAStipa pulchra distribution map CCH2 
Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas ( Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.  

Stipa pulchra field image Stipa pulchra Inflorescence
Stipa pulchra
A native, perennial tuft (cespitose) grass. Inflorescence is a panicle of spikelets. Long lemma awns are typical of the genus.

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