Selaginella cinerascens

Selaginella cinerascens A.A.Eaton

Mesa Spike-Moss


Protologue: Fern Bull. 7(2): 33 (1899)
Pronunciation: Se-la-gi-nél-la ci-ne-rás-cens
Etymology: diminutive of Selago (Scrophulariaceae) + becoming cinereus, ashy gray

CNPS Ranking: 4.1

Jepson eFlora Treatment

SD County Synoptic Voucher

Selaginella_cinerascens-SDPA mapSelaginella_cinerascens-CCH2 map 
Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas ( Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.  

Selaginella_cinerascens prostrate plant Selaginella_cinerascens-SDSU14869 image
Selaginella cinerascens
Stem habit prostrate, on open, often clay slopes. Right: Leaves (lycophylls), apices mucronate, but not awned.

Selaginella_cinerascens dried plant
Selaginella cinerascens
After the rains have stopped, the shoots turn greyish and dormant.

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