Sambucus mexicana

Sambucus mexicana C.Presl ex DC.

Blue Elderberry
Adoxaceae; see Taxon 65(4):878-879 (2016)]


Protologue: Prodr. 4: 322 (1830)
Pronunciation: Sam-bù-cus mex-i-cà-na
Etymology: Gr. sambuke, musical instrument + mexicana, of Mexico
Sambucus caerulea Raf. (also spelled S. cerulea); Sambucus nigra L. subsp. caerulea (Raf.) Bolli

Jepson eFlora Treatment

SD County Synoptic Voucher (as Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea)

Note: This complex needs work. There are many synonyms.

Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas, as S. nigra susbp. caerulea ( Middle (all) and Right (S.D. Co. only): CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.  

Sambucus mexicana
Note the opposite, pinnate (to ternate, rarely simple) leaves.

Sambucus mexicana
The inflorescence is a large compound corymb.

Cal Photos images Google images iNaturalist images (as S. c.)

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