Salvia apiana

Salvia apiana Jepson

White Sage


Protologue: Muhlenbergia 3: 144 (1908)
Pronunciation: Sál-vi-a a-pi-à-na
Etymology: L. salvus, safe, sound + "of bees"

Jepson eFlora Treatment

SD County Synoptic Voucher1
SD County Synoptic Voucher2

Salvia apiana distribution map SDPASalvia apiana distribution map CCH2 
Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas ( Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.  

Salvia apiana field image Salvia apiana leaves
Salvia apiana
Occasional shrub in our coastal sage scrub or chaparral. Inflorescences are tall thyrses.
Leaves are opposite, grey-white canescent, very pungent.

Salvia apiana flowers
Salvia apiana
Flowers are zygomorphic, with enantiostyly (style shifted to either the left or right), which may promote outcrossing.

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