Pentagramma glanduloviscida

Pentagramma glanduloviscida Schuettpelz & Windham

San Diego Silverback Fern


entagramma glanduloviscida subsp. maxonii]
Note: Listed as Hemionitis glanduloviscida (Schuettpelz & Windham) Christenhusz, Global Fl. 4: 14 (2018)

Syst. Bot. 40(3): 639 (2015)

Pronunciation: Pen-ta-grám-ma glan-du-lo-vís-ci-da

Etymology: possibly from two Gr. words meaning "five stripes" + with "provided with glands, viscid"

Jepson eFlora Treatment

Key to Pentagramma species

SD County Synoptic Voucher

Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas ( Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.  

Pentagramma glanduloviscida

Pentagramma glanduloviscida
Abaxial (lower) leaf surface.

Pentagramma glanduloviscida
Abaxial (lower) leaf surface, in full sporulation, the brown regions.

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