Marah macrocarpa

Marah macrocarpa (Greene) Greene


[Plants of San Diego County HOME]

Protologue: Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 2: 36 (1910)
Pronunciation: Mà-rah ma-cro-cár-pa
Etymology: Reference to the bitter waters of Marah in the Bible, after intensely bitter roots, or an aboriginal name
+ with large fruits

Jepson eFlora Treatment

Jepson eFlora Key to Species (4 others in California)

SD County Synoptic Voucher

 distribution map sdpldistribution map cch2 
Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas ( Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.  

Marah macrocarpa vine  Marah macrocarpa close-up of flowers
Marah macrocarpa
Left: Vine growing in chaparral. Underground rootstock can get quite large. Leaves are palmately cleft.
Right: Close up of flowers, male above, female (with hairy, inferior ovary) below. Note scabrous leaf surface.

Marah macrocarpa fruits
Marah macrocarpa
Fruits, immature. Inedible; you really don't want to put these in your cucumber salad.

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