Mammillaria dioica

Mammillaria dioica K.Brandegee

Fish-Hook Cactus
Cactaceae - Caryophyllales

[Plants of San Diego County HOME]

Erythea 5: 115 (1897)
Pronunciation: Mam-mil-là-ri-a di-ò-i-ca

Etymology: L. mammilla, a nipple, in reference to the nipple-shaped/colored fruits
+ dioecious, having separate male and female plants

Jepson eFlora Treatment

Jepson eFlora Key to Mammillaria taxa

SD County Synoptic Voucher

LEFT: S.D. County Plant Atlas ( RIGHT: GBIF ( Accessed 15 Apr 2020.
Note, in San Diego County, distribution along coast and in desert and not in the intervening mountain range.

Mammillaria dioica habit 
Mammillaria dioica flowers
Mammillaria dioica
Stems are short, usually solitary. Note ring of flowers below apex.

Mammillaria dioica flower close-up
Mammillaria dioica
Close-up of open flower, showing numerous yellow stamens and green stigma branches. Note solitary, hooked (uncinate) central leaf spines.

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