Malosma laurina

Malosma laurina (Nuttall) Abrams

Laurel Sumac

[Plants of San Diego County HOME]

Protologue: Fl. Los Angeles, ed. 3: 220 (1917)

Pronunciation: Ma-lós-ma lau-rì-na
Etymology: L. malum, apple or any tree fruit + osma, odor + laurel-like

Jepson eFlora Treatment

SD County Synoptic Voucher

Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas ( Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records. 

Malosma laurina leaves
Malosma laurina
A tall shrub of coastal sage scrub habitat. Leaves are coriaceous, pungent, recurved-conduplicate.

Malosma laurina Inflorescence
Malosma laurina
Inflorescence, a dense panicle.

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