Justicia californica

Justicia californica (Bentham) D.N.Gibson

Chuparosa, Beloperone
Acanthaceae - Lamiales


Protologue: Fieldiana, Bot. 34(6): 67 (1972)
Pronunciation: Jus-tí-ci-a ca-li-fór-ni-ca
Etymology: after James Justice (1698-1763), Scottish botanist + of or from California

Jepson eFlora Treatment

SD County Synoptic Voucher

LEFT: S.D. County Plant Atlas (http://sdplantatlas.org). RIGHT: GBIF (https://www.gbif.org). Accessed 25 Mar 2020.


Justicia californica
Shrubs are very noticeable in the desert after a good rain.

Justicia californica
Corollas are sympetalous, zygomorphic, bilabiate.

Justicia californica
Two-valved capsules. Stalks/modified funiculi (each termed a jaculum) inside valve aid in seed dispersal.

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