Orcutt's Quillwort
Protologue: Fern Bull. 8: 13 (1900)
Pronunciation: I-sò-e-tes or-cút-ti-i
Etymology: Gr. isos, ever, + etas, green + after Charles Russell Orcutt, 1864-1929, San Diego botanist
Jepson eFlora Treatment
Jepson eFlora Key to Isoetes
SD County Synoptic Voucher
Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas (http://sdplantatlas.org). Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.
Isoetes orcuttii
Left: Whole plant, showing acicular (needle-like) leaves arising from basal corm. iNat21458706.
Right: Leaf base pulled back, showing sporangium covered by membrane (velum). iNat149747983.
Isoetes orcuttii
Left: Whole plant, showing acicular (needle-like) leaves arising from basal corm, the leaf bases with enveloping sporangia.
Right: Comparison of Isoetes orcuttii (left) with Isoetes howellii (right).
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