Isoetes howellii
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Isoetes howellii Fernald) Jim.Mejías, J.I.Cohen & Naczi
Howell's Quillwort
Protologue: Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 4(2): 385 (1882)
Pronunciation: I-sò-e-tes ho-wél-li-i
Etymology: Gr. isos, ever, + etas, green + after Thomas Jefferson Howell (1824-1912) and his brother, Joseph Howell (1830-1912)
Jepson eFlora Treatment
Jepson eFlora Key to Isoetes
SD County Synoptic Voucher
Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas ( Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.
Isoetes howellii
Population of plants in a vernal pool.
Isoetes howellii
Close-up of plants, the acicular leaves resembling a small grass.
Isoetes howellii
Comparison of Isoetes howellii (right) with Isoetes orcuttii (left). Note swollen leaf bases, site of sporangia.
Isoetes howellii
Close-up of leaf base sporangium (adaxial view). Membrane (not clearly seen) covers <75% of sporangium.
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