Erodium botrys

Erodium botrys (Cavanilles) Bertoloni

Long-Beak Filaree/Storksbill


Protologue: Amoen. Ital.: 35 (1819)
Pronunciation: E-rò-di-um bò-trys
Etymology: Gr. erodios, heron + botrys, a bunch of grapes

Jepson eFlora Treatment
Key to Erodium spp, from the Jepson eFlora

SD County Synoptic Voucher

 Erodium botrys distribution map sdplErodium botrys distribution map cch2 
Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas ( Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.  

Erodium botrys Erodium botrys 2 Erodium botrys 3 
Erodium botrys herbarium specimen 
Erodium botrys
An annual herb, with simple, pinnately divided leaves.
Note fruit, with strongly 5-lobed, hairy ovary having two apical furrows and long, accrescent style, functioning to burrow seeds into ground.
See video of Erodium cicutarium fruits, burrowing by changes in humidity (hygroscopic movement).

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