Miner's Lettuce
Protologue: Sp. Pl., ed. 4, 1: 1186 (1798)
Pronunciation: Clay-tò-ni-a per-fo-li-à-ta
Etymology: after John Clayton, d. 1774 + perfoliate, referring to the two connate inflorescence bracts
Jepson eFlora Treatment
Jepson eFlora Key to Claytonia including subspecies of C. perfoliata
SD County Synoptic Voucher - subsp. mexicana
SD County Synoptic Voucher - subsp. perfoliata

Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas (http://sdplantatlas.org). Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.

Claytonia perfoliata subsp. mexicana --- Mexican Miner's Lettuce
Note connate-perfoliate inflorescence bracts subtending flowers.
Leaves are basal in position, with a relatively long petiole and wide blade.
This subspecies differs from subsp. perfoliata in having mucronulate leaf blade apices and two mucronate
lobes of the connate inflorescence bracts.
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