Bryum argenteum

Bryum argenteum Hedw.

Silvergreen Bryum Moss
Musci (Moss) - Bryaceae


Protologue: Species Muscorum Frondosorum 181. 1801.
Br`y-um ar-gén-te-um
Gr. Bryum, moss + argenetum, silver

SDSU Collection with field images

Bryum_argenteum-CBHb mapBryum_argenteum-CBHa map
Map from Consortium of Bryophyte Herbaria. This species is distributed worldwide, some infraspecies described. (Click to see current herbarium records.)  

Bryum_argenteum-iNat148258939a image Bryum_argenteum-iNat148258939c image
Bryum_argenteum-MGSimpson4832 image
Bryum argenteum
Note tightly appressed leaves, each leave with an awn or apiculum. Plants appear whitish-green, hence the scientific and common names.

Images courtesy of M.G.Simpson. Upper two images: iNat Observation 148258939
Lower image taken in lab from live material.

Consortium of Bryophyte Herbaria Records & Images
iNaturalist Images

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