Bahiopsis laciniata

Bahiopsis laciniata (A.Gray) E.E.Schill. & Panero

San Diego Sunflower


[Plants of San Diego County HOME]

Protologue: Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 140(1): 72 (2002)

Pronunciation: Ba-hi-óp-sis la-ci-ni-à-ta
Etymology: like the genus Bahia, after Juan Francisco Bahí, 1775–1841 + laciniate, irregularly divided
Synonym: Viguiera laciniata

CNPS Ranking: 4.3 (under Viguiera l.)

Jepson eFlora Treatment

SD County Synoptic Voucher

distribution map sdpldistribution map cch2 
Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas ( Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.

Bahiopsis laciniata in the field.
Bahiopsis laciniata
A moderately sized shrub

Bahiopsis laciniata close-up of leaves
Bahiopsis laciniata
Note leaves are irregularly pinnately divided (laciniate).

Bahiopsis laciniata flower close-up
Bahiopsis laciniata
Heads are radiate, with both central disk and peripheral ray flowers.

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