Baccharis salicifolia

Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pavon) Persoon

Mule Fat


Protologue: Syn. Pl. 2(2): 425 (1807)
Pronunciation: Bác-cha-ris sa-li-ci-fò-li-a
Etymology: perhaps after Bacchus, Gr. god of wine + "willow-leaved"

Jepson eFlora Treatment

SD County Synoptic Voucher

Note: Baccharis salicifolia subsp. salicifolia in California
Other subspecies are:
Baccharis salicifolia subsp. monoica (G.L.Nesom) Joch.Müll. (s. Mexico)
Baccharis salicifolia subsp. multibracteata Joch.Müll. (Peru)

 Baccharis salicifolia distribution sdplBaccharis salicifolia distribution cch2
Left: S.D. County Plant Atlas ( Right: CCH2. Click to see current herbarium records.  

Baccharis salicifolia inflorescence  Baccharis salicifolia inflorescence 2
Baccharis salicifolia leaves
Baccharis salicifolia
Plant, showing leaves and inflorescence, a (compound) corymb of heads. Note prominent midrib and two side veins parallel to margin,
one way to tell the leaves from a willow, which they resemble in shape.

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