Asterellopsis palmeri

Asterellopsis palmeri (Austin) YouL.Xiang & R.L.Zhu

Palmer's Asterellopsis
Hepaticae (Liverwort) - Aytoniaceae


Protologue: Plants 13(8, 1053): 9. 2024. (Xiang et al. 2024)

Synonym: Asterella palmeri (Austin) Underw., Bot. Gaz. 20: 6
3. 1895.
[Note: Most records currently under this name.]

As-te-rel-lóp-sis pál-mer-i

Gr. aster, star + -ella, diminutive + -opsis, appearing like (so "like Asterella") + eponym, after Palmer

SDSU Collection with field images


Map from Consortium of Bryophyte Herbaria (Click to see current herbarium records, most as Asterella palmeri.)  

Asterellopsis_palmeri-iNat148259761a.jpg image 
Asterellopsis_palmeri-iNat148259761c.jpg image Asterellopsis_palmeri-iNat148259761d.jpg image Asterellopsis_palmeri-iNat148259761e.jpg image
Asterellopsis palmeri [Asterella palmeri]
Note thallus morphology, with dark margins, and unlobed archegoniophores; compare with Calasterella californica.

Images courtesy of M.G.Simpson, iNat Observation 148259761

Consortium of Bryophyte Herbaria Records & Images
iNaturalist Images

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