Acmispon glaber

Acmispon glaber (Vogel) Brouillet


Plants of San Diego County HOME]

Protologue: J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2: 389 (2008)
Pronunciation: Ac-mís-pon glà-ber
Etymology: Gr. acme, a point or edge, in probable reference to the hook-tipped fruit + glaber, glabrous, without trichomes

Jepson eFlora Treatment

SD County Synoptic Voucher: A. g. var. brevialatus / A. g. var. glaber

Key to varieties, after Jepson eFlora treatment]

Keel prominent, > wings; corolla generally 8–9 mm; generally inland, SW, DSon ..... var. brevialatus
Keel not prominent, ± = wings; corolla 7–12 mm; coastal and inland, NCo, NCoR, n SNF, CCo, SnFrB, SCo, WTR, PR ..... var. glaber

Distribution of the two varieties in San Diego County
Left: San Diego County Plant Atlas (accessed 2019). Right: CCH2 (accessed 2019).
 Acmispon glaber San Diego distribution. Acmispon glaber western distribution
See: Steppan, S. J. 1991. Geographic distribution of flower morphological traits in subspecies of Lotus scoparius. Journal of Biogeography 18:321-331.

Acmispon glaber in the field.
Acmispon glaber
Plant, a sub-shrub, persistent, woody stems do not get tall.

Acmispon glaber showing trifoliolate
Acmispon glaber
Note trifoliolate (sometimes pinnate) leaves.

Acmispon glaber flowers
Acmispon glaber
Fascicle of papilionaceous flowers, this variety brevialatus (brevi, short + alatus, wing), with relatively short wing petals.

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