San Diego Botanical Society

The purpose of the SDBS is to share knowledge of botanical research
in San Diego County and adjacent regions
and to promote collaboration among botanists of the area.

Meetings will include talks, in both "pure" and applied science, by professionals
in the field on recently published or to be published botanical studies.
Meetings will be held annually, the date and location to be determined.

(for establishing contacts and receiving information)
If interested in being a member, please contact Dr. Michael Simpson

"The most useful science is that whose fruit is the most shared"
Leonardo da Vinci



The California Phenology Network, a collaboration of herbaria, invites you to join our 100 Club, a team of expert botanists and naturalists who are willing to help California herbaria document plant localities from herbarium specimens. Thousands of images of plant specimens are now accessible online (, but we are unable to map their distributions without latitude and longitude data. Can you help us pinpoint where these plants were collected by reading their location descriptions and putting a pin on the map?.


Botanical or Conservation Meetings:

California Botanical Society Annual Banquest and Mixer - 13 April 2024, CSU Fullerton, Fullerton, California
Botany 2024 - 15–19 June 2024, Grand Rapids, Michigan
International Botanic Congress - 21–27 July 2024, Madrid, Spain
Evolution - 26-30 July 2024, Montreal, Canada

Southern California Botanists Symposium - Sat 26 Oct 2024, Claremont

California Native Plant Society-State
California Native Plant Society-Orange County Chapter
California Native Plant Society-San Diego County Chapter
Center for Plant Conservation at San Diego Zoo Global
Conservation Biology Institute
San Diego Management & Monitoring Program
San Diego Natural History Museum Herbarium (SD)
San Diego State University Herbarium (SDSU)

Organizers of the SDBS:
Lluvia Flores-Rentería, PhD
Margaret Mulligan, MS
Jon Rebman, PhD
Michael Simpson, PhD
Sula Vanderplank, PhD