Pectocarya linearis (Ruiz & Pavon) deCandolle Prodr. 10: 120 (1846) |
Pronunciation/Pronunciación: |
Pec-to-cár-y-a li-ne-à-ris |
Etymology/Etimología: |
linear, in reference to the shape of the nutlets |
Synonyms/Sinónimos: |
HOMOTYPIC: Cynoglossum lineare Ruiz & Pavon, Fl. Peruv. 2: 6 (1799) (Basionym) HETEROTYPIC: Myosotis gracilis Ruiz & Pavon, Fl. Peruv. 2: 5 (1799) Echinospermum gracile Lehmann, Pl. Asperif. Nucif.: 129 (1818) Rochelia gracilis Roemer & Schultes, Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis 4: 111 (1819) Pectocarya gracilis (Ruiz & Pavon) I.M.Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 36 (1924) Pectocarya chilensis deCandolle, Prodr. 10: 120 (1846) |
Type Species/EspeciesTipo: |
HOLOTYPE: Ruiz & Pavon s.n., Sancti Jacobi, Chilensis, campis aridis (MA) |
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Nutlets planar or with apices somewhat recurved, linear-oblanceolate, homomorphic to slightly heteromorphic, length/width= 5/1 (-4/1); margin erect to strictly ascending, (cleft-) divided dentate; margin teeth less than two times longer than wide; North America, coastal California and Baja California Norte, Mexico; South America, Argentina (rare Chile) ... P. ferocula [=P. linearis var. ferocula] Nutlets moderately recurved, oblanceolate, heteromorphic with the lower or both adaxial nutlet margins and/or nutlet size reduced, length/width= 4/1 (-3/1); margin sub-involute to ascending; margin teeth wide, two or more times longer than wide. Plants erect to ascending (-decumbent); nutlet margins strictly to widely ascending, broadly and regularly cleft to parted dentate; North America, southeastern California, Arizona, and Sonora, Mexico ... P. platycarpa Plants prostrate to decumbent; nutlet margins sub involute to erect to ascending, often mediallaterally constricted, irregularly parted to divided dentate; South America, Chile, rare Argen- tina ... P. linearis [=P. linearis var. linearis] |
Distribution in South America of Pectocarya linearis var. ferocula (triangles) and P. linearis var. linearis (circles; open circle=type locality) in South America.
After Veno, 1979:174.
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