Pectocarya anisocarpa

Pectocarya anisocarpa Veno

Guilliams, C. M., et al. 2013. Aliso 31: 1-13.

[Pectocarya HOME / INICIO]

Pec-to-cár-ya an-is-o-cár-pa
Gr. an, not, + iso, equal + karpos, fruit, in reference to the heteromorphic nutlets
Type Species/EspeciesTipo:

Veno 357, 20 March 1977, USA: California, Kern County, w. of California State Highway 14,
      21.5 mi. ne. of town of Mojave, approx. 0.25 mi. s. of Red Rock Canyon
      Holotype: CAS1130199=CAS214946; Isotypes: RSA0010404=RSA792312, SD00000612=SD223573

Veno 357, 20 Mar 1977
CAS1130199 Distribution map of 
Pectocarya anisocarpa
Veno 357, 20 Mar 1977
Distribution map of
Pectocarya anisocarpa localities
white circles=chromosome vouchers
circle x=type locality
From: Guilliams, C. M., et al. 2013. Aliso 31: 1-13.

Pectocarya anisocarpa
fruit1 Kelley 1960Fruit, face view
Scale bar = 1 mm

Pectocarya anisocarpa
fruit, back view Kelley 1960Fruit, back view
Scale bar = 1 mm

Pectocarya anisocarpa
fruit side view Kelley 1960Fruit, side view
Scale bar = 1 mm
Pectocarya anisocarpa
Kelley 1960

Literature Cited
Guilliams, C. M., B. A. Veno, M. G. Simpson, and R. B. Kelley. 2013. Pectocarya anisocarpa, a new species of Boraginaceae from western North America,
      with a revised dichotomous key and photographic atlas for the genus in the region. Aliso 31: 1-13.

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