Johnstonella fastigiata

Johnstonella fastigiata (I.M.Johnston) Hasenstab & M.G.Simpson

Syst. Bot. 37(3): 754. 2012

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John-sto-nél-la fas-ti-gi-à-ta
Etymology/Etimología: "fastigiate," with upright branches, or erect clusters of stems
Cryptantha fastigiata I. M. Johnston, J. Arnold Arbor. 20: 388. 1939 (Basionym)

I. M. Johnston 3505, 8 May 1921, MEXICO: Baja California Norte [Baja California], Las Animas Bay
   Holotype: GH00351541

Distribution of Johnstonella fastigiata
[Click to see high resolution image.]
LEFT: Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), accessed 3 Feb 2020.
RIGHT:, accessed 28 June 2013.

[Click image to view full resolution]

Fruit, showing sepal, gynobase, and 4 nutlets, heteromorphic by size and fusion:
one large and adherent to gynobase, 3 smaller and free from gynobase.

          Large Nutlet

          One of 4 Small Nutlets

Nutlets ovate-triangular, adaxially 2-planar, abaxially convex. marginally ridged, white-tuberculate, minutely papillate.
Ventral groove open at base, laterally forked.

R. Moran 7178, 21 March 1959 (SD49590)
MEXICO: Baja California, 28.933, -113.60, 400m

Four slightly heteromorphic nutlets of fruit, large nutlet adherent to gynobase.

          Large Nutlet, adherent to gynobase

          One of 4 small nutlets, free from gynobase.

Branches fastigiate, clustered, parallel, and erect, having a broom-like appearance.
Leaves linear to acicular. Trichomes hirsute, inclined to ascending, broadly pustulate.
Stems with antrorse-appressed trichomes only. Corolla limb 2.5-3 mm broad.
Calyx sepals lanceolate. Pedicel 1-2 mm long.
Moran 12959, 21 Apr 1966 (SD62789)
Isla Angel de la Guarda, Bahia Pulpito; outwash slope west of the lagoon, Baja California, Mexico.
29.3698, -113.3707

[Click image to view full resolution]

Fruit, showing partial calyx, gynobase, and 4 heteromorphic nutlets

          Large Nutlet
                 One of 4 Small Nutlets

Rebman 5893, 20 Apr 1999 (SD146458)
Isla Angel de la Guarda: west side of island, Baja California, Mexico.
29.44056, -113.52306

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