Cryptantha taltalensis I.M.Johnston Contr. Gray Herb. 78: 45 (1927) |
Pronunciation/Pronunciación: |
Cryp-tán-tha tal-ta-lén-sis |
Etymology/Etimología: |
"after Taltal, the city in Región Antofagasta (Región II), Chile where the type was collected / después de Taltal, la ciudad en Región Antofagasta (Región II), Chile, donde se recogió el tipo" |
Synonyms/Sinónimos: |
None / Nunca |
Type/Tipo: |
I.M. Johnston 5121, 25 Nov 1925, Chile: Antofagasta: Taltal, hills southeast of Taltal, ca. latitude 25˚29' S |
13. C. taltalensis, sp. nov. Annua 1-3 dm. alta laxe basaliter ramosa; ramis saepe gracilibus minute strigosis et plus minusve breviter hispidis; foliis linearibus vel rariter anguste lanceolatis paucis 1-2 cm. longis 1-2(-3) mm. Iatis pustulatis breviter hispidis, superioribus paullo reductis; spicis solitariis vel geminatis 3-5 cm. longis bracteatis; bracteis linearibus caducis 3-5 mm. longis; calycibus fructiferis congestis ascendentibus oblongis 3-4.5 mm. longis asymmetricis sessilibus faciliter deciduis basi conicis; lobis calycis linearibus erectis ascendenter hispidis cum costa prominenti; corolla evidenti 3-4 mm. lata alba; fructu 4-ovulato; nuculi 1-3 saepissime plures abortis heteromorphis ovatis apice acutis dorsi convexis margine angulatis, sulcis clausis vel anguste apertis basi in areolam deltoideam dilatatis; nucula axillari ca. 1.8 mm. longa subpersistenti semper maturanti papillata plus minusve glandulari opaca ventre 3/4 longitudinis ad gynobasem affixa; nuculis consimilibus tuberculatis deciduis ca. 1.5 mm. longis; stylo nuculam axillarem brevissime vel breviter superanti. CHILE. ANTOFAGASTA: gravelly slopes near crest of hills southeast of Taltal, Johnston 5121 (G, TYPE); rocky bottom of dry quebrada in hills southeast of Taltal, Johnston 5120 (G); rocky talus-slope in Quebrada de San Ramon, near Taltal, Johnston 5156 (G); dryish gravelly open places on summit ridge of Cerro Perales near Taltal, 1000 m. alt., Johnston 5634 and 5635 (G). This species is most closely related to C. filaginea, from which it differs in its larger corollas and few, strongly heteromorphous nutlets. It was found at various points in the region about the port of Taltal, always associated with C. filaginea, though less common and less generally distributed than that widely ranging species. Although it appeared to be a very definite and recognizable entity in the field, subsequent study of the collected material shows it so closely related to C. filaginea that I have been tempted to propose it merely as a variety of that species. |