Cryptantha quentinensis

Cryptantha quentinensis J.F.Macbride

Contr. Gray Herb. 56: 58 (1918)

[Cryptantha HOME / INICIO]

NOTE: Currently considered a synonym of Cryptantha intermedia (A.Gray) Greene, but complex needs work.

Cryp-tán-tha  quen-ti-nén-sis
presumably after San Quintin (note spelling difference), Baja California, Mexico, where type collected

=Cryptantha intermedia (A.Gray) Greene, sensu Johnston 1925

E. Palmer 695, 1889, MEXICO: Baja California, San Quentin; Holotype: GH00096300

Treatment from Johnston 1925:63-65 (synonomizing with C. intermedia)
"Cryptantha quentinensis is a form which is not hirsute and has a rather silky calyx. It is clearly a phase of C. intermedia
and is not a relative of C. oxygona as its author suggests." (Johnston 1925:65)

GH00096300-C_quentinensis holotype
E. Palmer 695, 1889, MEXICO: Baja California, San Quentin
Holotype: GH00096300
A special thanks to Michaela Schmull at the Harvard University Herbaria (Gray Herbarium-GH) for taking these nutlet images of the type specimen.

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