Cryptantha intermedia

Cryptantha intermedia (A.Gray) Greene
Pittonia 1: 114 (1887)

[Cryptantha HOME / INICIO]

Cryp-tán-tha in-ter-mè-di-a
"intermediate," indicating a taxon considered partway between two others, which two is unknown

Homotypic Synonyms:
   Eritrichium intermedium A. Gray (Basionym), Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 17: 225. 1882
   Krynitzia intermedia (A. Gray) A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 20: 273. 1885
Heterotypic Synonyms:
   Cryptantha quentinensis J. F. Macbride, Contr. Gray Herb. 56: 58. 1918
         Type: Palmer 695, 1889, MEXICO: Baja California, San Quintin

J. C. Nevin s.n., 1880 or 1882, USA: California, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles
   Syntypes: GH00097678, GH00097679

Jepson eFlora Treatment

Johnston's 1925 Treatment

Type Specimens (Syntypes)
GH00097678 syntypeJ. C. Nevin s.n., 1882
USA: California, Los Angeles County,
Los Angeles
   Syntype: GH00097678
GH00097679 syntypeJ. C. Nevin s.n., 1880
USA: California, Los Angeles County,
Los Angeles
   Syntype: GH00097679

Key (after Kelley and Simpson, in prep. Flora of North America):

      Upper stem trichomes appressed and spreading; mature fruiting calyx ascending to inclined in orientation ...... C. intermedia var. intermedia
      Upper stem trichomes spreading, few appressed; mature fruiting calyx horizontal to inclined in orientation ...... C. intermedia var. johnstonii

Distribution Map:

From Left: Two varieties mapped. Blue=C. i. var. intermedia; Yellow=C. i. var. johnstonii.
Right: Including records not identified to variety. Blue=C. intermedia; Yellow=C. i. var. intermedia; Green=C. i. var. johnstonii.
Click to see current herbarium records.

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