Cryptantha argentea

Cryptantha argentea I.M.Johnston

Contr. Gray Herb. 78: 42 (1927)

[Cryptantha HOME / INICIO]

Cryp-tán-tha ar-gen-tè-a
silvery / plateado
None / Ninguna

I. M. Johnston 5814, 16 Dec 1925, CHILE: Antofagasta, "about head of high fog-bathed sea-cliffs near Aguada Grande"
   Holotype: G00011519

Treatment from Johnston 1927: 42

Distribution / Distribución:
From/De GBIF, accessed/accedido 21 Dec 2017.

Cryptantha argentea
I.M. Johnston 5814,
16-18 Dec. 1925 (G00011519)


Cryptantha argentea
I.M. Johnston 5734,
14-15 Dec. 1925 (F625800)
CHILE: Prov. Antofagasta, Dept. Taltal, region about Aguada Cachina (waterhole in Quebrada Cachina, ca. 6 km inland from Caleta Esmeralda.
lat. 25˚ 53' S
Many thanks to the herbarium at F (Chicago, Illinois, USA) for permission to remove this material.
Muchas gracias a el herbario de F (Chicago, Illinois, USA) por el permiso para utilizar este material.