Cryptantha andina

Cryptantha andina I.M.Johnst. ex M.Peck, ined.

Man. Higher Pl. Oregon 601 (1941)

[Cryptantha HOME / INICIO]

Cryp-tán-tha  an-dì-na
of or from the Andes, probably in reference to its occurrence at high elevation. (From California Plant Names: Nuttall, who originally published Camissonia andina, sometimes referred to the Rocky Mountains as the Northern Andes.)
None known, but likely an Oreocarya, as the common name in Peck 1941 is "Sierra Oreocarya"
Unknown; none indicated.

This name lacked a publication with a Latin description (or a type specimen indicated), considered not validly published.

Exemplar of single specimen discovered to date (at GH) that is labeled as C. andina:

Cryptantha andina I.M.Johnst., ined.
Note: Annotated as C. nubigena [=Oreocarya n.] or C. sobolifera [=O. sobolifera]
Marion Owenby 2134,
1 July 1940 (GH02061014)
USA: Washington, Modoc County, dry rocky slopes, Cedar Pass, Warner Mts.
NOTE: This material lacks mature fruits (personal communication Kathleen M. McCauley, Curatorial Assistant-GH)

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