Cryptantha acrimuricata

Cryptantha acrimuricata J.M.André, L.M.Simpson & M.G.Simpson
Phytokeys 250: 193–213 (2024)

[Cryptantha HOME / INICIO]

Cryp-tán-tha a-cri-mu-ri-cà-ta
acri-, sharp, pointed, piercing + muricata, hard-pointed like a murex, in reference to the sharp-pointed muricate nutlet processes

J.M.André 40457, 10 May 2019, United States, California, San Bernardino County, New York Mountains, Mojave National Preseve,
Caruthers Canyon, 2.3 road miles north of junction of New York Mtns Rd, at base of steep ascent to Giant Ledge Mine (historic),
along closed dirt road paralleling perennially moist drainage; 35.24875N, 115.299217W, 1769 meters elevation.
      Holotype: RSA0633491; Isotypes: ASU, GMDRC, SBBG, SD, SDSU, UC, UCR

Cryptantha acrimuricata, map of known specimens.
Cryptantha acrimuricata
, from known specimens (cited in Simpson et al. 2024).

Cryptantha acrimuricata, map of known specimens plus those of Cryptantha muricata.Cryptantha acrimuricata, map of known specimens plus those of Cryptantha muricata, large scale.
Cryptantha acrimuricata, from Simpson et al. 2024, showing distributions with Cryptantha muricata varieties. Arrow shows type locality.

RSA0633491 herbarium specimen RSA0633491 fruiting calyx RSA0633491 fruiting calyx dissected open
RSA0633491 nutlet dorsal view RSA0633491 nutlet ventral view RSA0633491 nutlet lateral view
Cryptantha acrimuricata

J. André 40457, 10 May 2019 (RSA0633491)
United States, California, San Bernardino County, New York Mountains, Mojave National Preseve,
Caruthers Canyon, 2.3 road miles north of junction of New York Mtns Rd, at base of steep ascent to Giant Ledge Mine (historic),
along closed dirt road paralleling perennially moist drainage; 35.24875N, 115.299217W, 1769 meters elevation.

SDSU18622 specimen SDSU18622 fruit
SDSU18622 nutlet dorsal view SDSU18622 nutlet ventral view SDSU18622 nutlet lateral view
Cryptantha acrimuricata

J. Andre 9554, 5 May 2008 (SDSU18622)
USA: California, San Bernardino Co., New York Mountains: growing in bottom of main drainage, just above main parking area/camp.
Caruthers Canyon, Mojave National Preserve. 35.22482, -115.30347, 1675 meters elevation

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