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Plant an erect annual, ~ 3-4 dm high, ill-scented. Stems slender, sparsely branched, branches ascending, weak. Leaves alternate, yellowish-green, farinose; leaf-blades 0.6–1.5 cm long, round-ovate, ovate to lanceolate, elliptic, or triangular, usually with squarish, lateral basal lobes, occasionally sinuate in the often reduced central lobe, apex obtuse or rounded; upper blades smaller, triangular, elliptic, or lanceolate, entire, usually with prominent squarish double basal lobes, these rounded, apex obtuse or acute. Inflorescences in narrow, paniculate spikes. Flowers ~ 1 mm in diameter. Perianth uniseriate; calyx synsepalous, distinct to near base; lobes apically obtuse, farinose abaxially. Stamens five, distinct, whorled, antisepalous, yellowish; filaments terete; anthers laterally dehiscent, dithecal, sub-basifixed. Gynoecium with two stigmas. Fruit, lenticular, ~ 1.1 (1.0–1.2) mm in diameter, seed embryo horizontal, equatorial margin thick in side view; fruit wall adherent, papillate. Papillae large, often not collapsed, radially white or blackish above, occasionally even faintly so and fuzzy dark with minute, elongated papillae usually collapsed, forming alternating brown or whitish lines below. Seed coat black, rugose
![](sonorense/Chenopodium sonorense annotated-r900h.jpg) |