Chenopodium palmeri

Chenopodium palmeri Standley
North Amer. Flora 21: pp19. 1916

[Chenopodium HOME]

In honor of Edward Palmer (1829–1911) explorer, archeologist, and prolific plant collector.
Ill-scented erect annual, 6-8 dm. high, much branched above, the branches strongly ascending, slender, obtusely angled, pale-greenish, copiously but very finely farinose; petioles slender, equaling or two thirds as long as the blades; leaf-blades broadly rhombic-ovate, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, rounded or broadly obtuse at the apex, apiculate, rounded or broadly cuneate at the base, entire, or usually with 2 small rounded lobes at the base, very thin, green and glabrate on the upper surface, densely but very finely and closely farinose beneath, the upper blades smaller, entire, obtuse; flowers in small glomerules, these in slender, dense or interrupted, paniculate spikes, the inflorescence ample, open, with slender, nearly naked branches ; calyx densely farinose, deeply cleft, the lobes oval or broadly oblong, incompletely enclosing the fruit; pericarp adherent; seed horizontal, 0.7-0.8 mm. broad, dark reddish-brown, shining, nearly smooth, the margin obtuse. - Standley
USA: AZ Mexico: BS, CH, DG, SO
Chenopodium neomexicanum Standl. var. palmeri (Standl.) T.W. Walters
Palmer 9: US 48302
Website Info:
We thank all the Herbaria who have very generously have allowed us to display their images. All images with a RED outline were either provided by the linked Herbaria or given us access to their website to obtain such images, or they were scanned while on loan to us. Please see the credits and further information by clicking on the Herbaria acronyms. The specimens’ images without such red outline, were taken by us during our research visits.

All fruit and seed images have been taken with the Visionary Digital Microscope System, Dun, Inc. Palmyra, VA by Lee Simpson at San Diego State University.

Website development by Lee Simpson. Contact:


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Habitat and Field Images

Type Specimen:

Palmer 9
US 48302

Palmer 9


UC 116451

Sanders 9439
UCR 82625
ARIZ 314981

TEX-LL 173161

TEX-LL 173162

RSA 626057

Van Devender 92-951
ARIZ 314982

TEX-LL 173164

UCR 84289

Gentry 20481
ARIZ 360879
US Gentry 20481

Felger 1416

ARIZ 257562

RSA 346148

SD 125075

TEX-LL 173166

Van Devender 1063

ARIZ 321702

ASU 208349

Wiggins 316
RSA 478632

ARIZ 161409

DS 295747

TEX-LL 173168

UC 721843

US 1892870

Rebman 9664 (pericarp lost)
SD 153963

HCIB 1053
Dominguez 349

PAC 27312
Knobloch 507

SD 175077
Rea 1268

ARIZ 280125
Van Devender 659

Jones 28610
DS 233379
MO 1013003
UC 479239

Van Devender 92-1381

ARIZ 315137

LL/TEX 173163

Leon de la Luz 8700

HCIB 13371

SD 147056

SD 88092
Moran 21379

SD 147057
Dominguez 1790

UCR 57656
Van Devender 88-717

TEX-LL 173169
Campbell 281

UCR 140927
Provance 9542