Etymology |
From the latin: elatum, meaning: tall or high |
Description: |
Plants mostly 25-75 cm tall, either solitary or branched from the base (if the latter, then branches upright); leaf blades 10-23 mm long (usually not less than 12), basal teeth sharp to rounded and apices obtuse to acute, upper surfaces from nearly glabrous to moderately farinose, usually appearing yellow-green even when nearly glabrous; glomerules somewhat spaced in the inflorescence, axillary inflorescences usually not well developed: seeds (1.0) 1.10-1.25 mm diam. -Crawford |
Distribution: |
Synonyms: |
Type: |
B.H. Warnock 6203: TEX 00370679 |
Website Info: |
We thank all the Herbaria who have very generously have allowed us to display their images. All images with a RED outline were either provided by the linked Herbaria or given us access to their website to obtain such images, or they were scanned while on loan to us. Please see the credits and further information by clicking on the Herbaria acronyms. The specimens’ images without such red outline, were taken by us during our research visits. All fruit and seed images have been taken with the Visionary Digital Microscope System, Dun, Inc. Palmyra, VA by Lee Simpson at San Diego State University. Website development by Lee Simpson. Contact: |
(If map does not load click here)
Habitat and Field Images
Type Specimen:
TEX-LL 00370679
ARIZ 221830 J.E. Bowers 1768 |
ARIZ 587820 R.M. Turner 11/9/2004 |
ASU 120521 Lehto 13446 |
BRIT Warnock 7640 |
MO 802677 Young 158 |
SDSU 21560 Roll 1055-10 |
SDSU 21561 Roll 1055-11 |
SDSU 21564 Roll 1316 |
SDSU 21566 Roll 5/24/2015 |
SDSU 21567 Roll 6/3/2015 |
SDSU 21578 Roll 387 |
TEX-LL 00296791 Warnock 7236 |
UNM 62126 Wagner 2397 |
UNM 66544 Cully 166 |
US 1566547 Kearney 8953 |
ARIZ 196171 Van Devender 1975-08-04 |